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Dragobrat Valley

Dragobrat Valley

The Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains are the centre of ski country's entertainment. Every year, tourists come here to get unforgettable experience. One of the best ski resorts of Ukraine is located in Drahobrat Valley. To be convinced of this on your own experience, you should visit this cosy corner of nature. Drahobrat Valley is located at the foot of Stoh Mount, where the Svydovets Mountain Ridge starts. This mountain chain resembles a horseshoe and such location favours snow-capped valley from late autumn to mid-spring. 




The fact that the valley is located 1300-1400 meters above sea level makes it a high-altitude resort, and the only place in the Carpathian Mountains, where you can go down slopes in a T-shirt and acquire a tan.



Everything is provided for an active rest of experienced skiers and snowboarders, as well as for beginners.



Those to be professional and fond of extreme descents can get to mountain tops by a helicopter. This skiing track is up to five kilometres with altitude difference of 500 meters.



If you just learn skiing, you are advised to start with tracks for beginners, which are located at the foot of the mountains, where there are no sharp bends and steep slopes.



You can also take some ski lessons. Drahobrat Valley has five rope tows and two chair lifts. The most popular track, 1300 meters long with altitude difference of 410 metres, is called Stoh. There are three descents of easy level. Their length does not exceed 800 meters with difference in altitude 300 meters. All of them are processed with snow grooming for a comfortable and safe skiing. Tracks for beginners are marked with blue cards and more complicate slopes – with red cards. In addition to the ski entertainment in Drahobrat Valley you can order a flight on a paraglider or take part in skiing trips. The freestyle platform is located there as well.




Sunrises and sunsets in the Drahobrat resort won’t leave you unmoved. From this place you can see the highest mountain peaks of Ukraine – Hoverla with height of 2061 meters and Petros of 2020 meters high. You can see mountain lakes here as well. Go to walk in a coniferous forest and take a lot of vivid photos!



You should spend at least one week of your vacation in Drahobrat Valley to enjoy all the attractions of the Carpathian resort. After a long day spent on the hillsides, you can take a steam Ukrainian bath and completely relax. You are well advised to have a meal in one of kolyba – a Hutsul national cafe.



Drahobrat Valley is located 9 kilometres from the nearest settlement Yasynia, and is reached by off-road vehicles. So it will be better to stay in one of the valley’s cottages. You can get to this village from the railway station of Ivano-Frankivs’k by minibuses in direction to Yasynia or Drahobrat, as well as by private taxis and route buses. From the centre of Yasynia village you can get to Drahobrat by local cars.


Drahobrat Valley is a great place for a romantic vacation, winter holidays or family trips.  


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