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Kyiv Railway Station

Kyiv Railway Station

The main railway station in Kiev officially began its work as early as 1870. Near the station round the clock taxi service, a metro station "Vokzalnaya" and you can quickly find a stop for public transport. It is very convenient and comfortable.

Learn more schedule and time of arrival and departure times of trains possible on a bulletin board. Also scoreboard will notify you of unexpected changes. If you want to make a purchase of the ticket, then you need to go to the box office, which is located in the right wing of the train station. For convenience, there is a possibility to order or reserve tickets through the Internet. Only need to visit the official page of "Ukrzaliznytsya".

In the building of the Central Station is a huge, colorful lobby. The walls are decorated with granite and marble. The highlight of the lobby are the original panels. Their composition reflects the historical monuments of Kiev. To get to the second floor you will escalator. From there you can walk down the hall to the South Station. It is more modern: in the central hall you will see the original artificial waterfall. Here too there is cash to buy tickets. In the station operates the Museum of rolling stock.

The building is the central train station ticket office located SkyBus and Vega-Reisen. Here is an opportunity to purchase tickets in Ukraine, Russia, the international buses in Europe and the plane to the desired position. This feature is very convenient for fans of long-distance travel with transfers. Also on hand, you can buy a ticket on the express bus SkyBus, which is sent to the airport "Borispol".

Railway station is for its visitors the following amenities:

  • safe and reliable storage chamber;
  • comfortable waiting rooms;
  • cozy internet cafe;
  • room for mom and baby.

Railway station carries out its work without days off and breaks. The huge building station adjusts to the atmosphere of the capital and allows you to immediately plunge into the world of chestnuts.

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