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Dormition Cathedral, Horol
вул. Воскресенська 6, м. Хорол 37800, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Dormition Cathedral in the town Horol - one of the greatest historical sites. Beautiful stone temple is the hallmark once wealthy merchant Khorol. This is the third one hundred years, this architectural masterpiece is the central cathedral of the village.
It was erected in 1802. For the ...
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Kozelshina
вул. Леніна 25а, смт Козельщина 39100, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in Kozelschina is a monumental temple with beautiful architecture and interesting history. It was built in 1906 year. Construction was carried out with the involvement of a lot of money, and with the participation of the Grand Dukes of the Russian ...
Temple of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia
пр. Першотравневий 23а, м. Полтава 36000, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Temple of Faith, Hope and Charity and their mother Sophia was built in 2002. It stands on a large square in the shade of thick trees of the old town. Scenic view of the beautiful temple perfectly fits into the architecture of Poltava . The initiators of the construction were made in conjunction ...
Holy Assumption Cathedral in Poltava
Соборная площа 1, Полтава, 36020, Україна
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Cathedral of the Assumption at Ivanova Hill in Poltava city has long been a center of Poltava fortress. The first written mention of it date back to 1695 year. Stone church on the site of a wooden cathedral was built in the period from 1751 to 1770. In subsequent years, the Assumption Cathedral ...
Trinity Church
вул. Бєлінського 1, смт Диканька, Україна
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To the north of Poltava rasplozhen pgt Dykanka. His name is known to all, and many Ukrainians abroad. The thing is that here was born, raised and Dikan'ka immortalized in his literary masterpieces of the great Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol. In the stories of "Evenings on a Farm near ...
Baptist Christian Church, Poltava
вул. Зоряна 19а, Полтава 36000, Україна
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Unique church Baptists in Poltava, built in mixed style. In terms temple combines classic style that the Orthodox church, with a slight addition of Gothic, which manifested in the sharp spiers, towering over the entrance to the building. The temple belongs to the new buildings that were built ...
Temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Poltava
вул. Героїв Сталінграда 1Б, Полтава 36000, Україна
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One of the few wooden churches, which was built in a relatively short period of time and not inferior to the beauty of ancient architectural monuments. Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Poltava - a comfortable structure that efforts Transcarpathian artists collected from local wood. The election ...
Old Jewish Cemetery, Kobelyaki
вул. Міжколгоспна, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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Poltava town Kobeliaky known throughout Ukraine, because here was born the famous manual therapist Nikolai Kasyan A. and founded the group «The VYO." If visiting in Kobeliaky, it`s best to visit the old Jewish cemetery. History cemetery Kobeliaky known since 1620. The city held great trade ...
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Great Bagachka
вул. Гоголя, смт Велика Багачка 38300, Великобагачанський р-н, Полтавська обл., Україна
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The small town of Great Bagachka that in Poltava, associated with the 750-year-old oak sanatorium and tyhoplynnoyu and clean river Psel. In addition, we recommend visiting the Church of the Blessed Virgin, which destroyed several times, but she revived like a phoenix. History of the Nativity of ...
Center of Hasidism, Gadyach
вул. Пушкіна, м. Гадяч 37300, Полтавська обл., Україна
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19 kysleva year 5772 on the Jewish calendar (Gregorian reckoning - December 4, 2012), on the eve of Hanukkah in Gadyach opened the doors to the first visitor center of Hasidism, known as "Admor Azaken." The opening was timed to the 214 th anniversary of the liberation of the St. Petersburg ...
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