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Krasnokutsk Dendrological Park

Krasnokutsk Dendrological Park

This is one of the oldest arboretums in Ukraine. The park was founded in 1809 by Ivan Karazin biologist. He was the first akklimatizatorami Ukraine and the first in Ukraine to plant trees. Traveling the world, Karazin collected many seedlings and seeds of rare plants. In the park you can see the red cedar, sycamore, vinegar tree, Sophora, white spruce, sugar maple, and much more.

To date, the park has a collection of more than 350 species of plants. Visit the arboretum - and you`ll see a giant silver maple, which is over 200 years old. Very popular magic ginkgo tree. They say if you embrace it, you can live happy and rich up to 100 years.

The park also has a cultural value. Once there was a man`s Peter and Paul Monastery, whose monks for the purpose of defense built many labyrinths. Their length is 18 kilometers. Subsequently, the monastery was closed, but they have created caves and tunnels have survived to our times.

Also, Krasnokutskaya arboretum is "Island of Love", planted with weeping willows; Singing terraces, alleys and lakes, pergolas; is a center for the introduction and acclimatization of ornamental plants. Krasnokutsky arboretum - a perfect place to relax with your family.

Entrance to the arboretum is free. For a small fee you can use the services of a guide.

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