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Assumption (Ascension) church Luzhany

Assumption (Ascension) church Luzhany

In a small village located Luzhany Assumption Church, which is the oldest church building while Chernivtsi region. Despite its small size and neprymitnist church is a unique object with a rich history and valuable medieval paintings, which almost no analogues in the whole of Western Ukraine.

Assumption Church History

Scientists believe that the temple was built in 1453 by local boyar Fyodor Witold. The basis for this claim was charter, which says that the lord bought the village and the church Mr. Vranycha, previous owner. In the very same church is an ancient inscription, which is written in Old Church Slavonic, which ktytorom (benefactor) of the temple was indeed Mr. Witold.

During the Soviet era were discovered unique murals that were covered with a layer of plaster. In 2006, during restoration work experts conducted tests, the results of which were sensational, creating murals refers to ages 13-14, which makes older church for at least two centuries.

The Church has repeatedly spustoshuvalasya and dobudovuvalasya. In ancient times was used as a fortress, as evidenced by the window-slits. Finally, modern look church gained during the 19th century, when it built a wooden part. Then there were the last frescoes that contrast with the old layer of its brightness. The bell tower and stone buttresses were completed in the same period. Recent changes - replacing the wooden roof and sheet.

As can be seen in the church

The church is a model of house type of churches, characteristic of Bukovina. Especially valuable are the frescoes, which more than 500 years. The oldest of them dates back to the 13th century historians. All are made in the classic Byzantine style, which met in Kyivan Rus.

Special attention attracts fresco knight on horseback, under which it is written that this temple ktytor Witold Fedor, founder of the temple. Agree, do not always fall opportunity to look at a portrait of ancient knight over 500 years ago. In the Assumption Church discovered ancient graffiti - writings left behind by visitors. The oldest of them dated 1515 year.

How to get there

Village Luzhany located on highway N-10 Chernivtsi - Ivano-Frankivsk in Kitsman district. Traveling in a car Chernivtsi to Ivano-Frankivsk, you`re sure it proyizhdzhatymete. Through the village passes railway, so convenient for you mode of transportation can be a commuter train from Chernivtsi or Kolomna . If we move from Chernivtsi bus, it`s where routes to Beregomet , Coloma, Vyzhnytsia , Sniatyn and Kitsmane that pass through the village.

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