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Psychological Film Society «Antreten», Dnepropetrovsk, Dnipro


Comedy, drama "Rosencrantz and Hyldenshtern dead," 1990, directed by Tom Stoppard. The film adaptation of his own play of the same name.

Within the outer shell of Shakespeare "Hamlet", directed with exquisite taste and sense of humor creates an interesting metaphorical images cleverly placing the emphasis on philosophical matters of life and death.

"All our life - so plausible that seems kind of film in front - but the occasional shock, and before you God knows what." (Rosencrantz and Hildershtern dead)

Leading film club - Mazanyi Natalia (psychotherapist, member USP).

ABOUT CLUB «Antreten»:

"... Is it possible a person has or does not have the funds to be involved in the changes taking place in his life, family life, society and the state? Or the means by which it has perhaps not sufficient in order to be sure of involvement in the events? Looking at the map of this ancient history not realize that we no longer have those relevant to conventional boundaries recent past. So somehow it is necessary to define the boundaries of today, heading into the future. Referring to say about the present stressed cinema club «Antreten», meaning endeavors and that there are more than three years.

All interested people also continues to provide space for its ability to express thoughts, ideas or doubt. As well as providing the opportunity to hear others and feel unity at a time different. Let me quote the words of a meter modern cinema famous director A. Sokurov: "Cinema - a miserable, aggressive cultural phenomenon ..." while simultaneously "... art can give hope for decency ...".

And in one, and in another the utterance comes to moviegoers without which no film or art does not exist. It is this audience in an era of total positive able to think about what to think categorically do not want.

Recognition of moviegoers presence versatility, versatility and no uniformity of thought emphasizes the importance of such moviegoers as well as its ability to demand "tasty", fill, to meet needs through a movie that in the modern era of postmodernism is extremely difficult.

A complex is the existence of contradictions classical traditions of art without any statement of truth, unsystematic and chaotic. It is quite natural for such a demanding audience is the need to have a place of meeting people and art have their attitudes and understanding of art. As for the screen, and on this side of the cinema screen is meeting people like this needed space to be involved in the changes going on inside and outside of us ...

Ticket price: 50 USD

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