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The exhibition "Europe - our home", Kyiv, Kyiv


For the Day of Europe in Ukraine museum represents the exhibition "Europe - our home" will show paintings, drawings and sculpture from the museum collection.

The exhibition will run from 15 May to 15 June 2015.

The exhibition its collection of over 50 most significant paintings, drawings and sculptures from the collection of 20th century art, combined theme of Europe. Famous Ukrainian, Polish, Russian artists, painters Baltic countries are turning to the European cultural space.

With immediate impression by walking or complex associative thinking artists in different ways reflect the historical past and the present, important city and important events of world civilization.

Presented landscapes, still lifes, thematic paintings, executed in various techniques, covering topics characteristic of our common European home.

A separate room is dedicated to Italy - the home zahalnoevropeyskoyi classical culture. P.Konchalovskoho-known works, O.Hrytsaya, V.Stozharova, V.Ryzhyha and other poetically reflect the history of this country and from antiquity to the present.

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