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Women`s Festival Best Woman-2: between heaven and earth, Kyiv, Kyiv


For the second time in Kiev will be a real feast for women where they can feel himself as an angel and imp. The event will last only one day, do not miss it, ladies!

The idea of ​​the festival revolves around the eternal question: "what do women want?". They say that no one knows, even the woman. But organizers insist that they know and are willing to share this great mystery. It`s simple: sleep in the morning and make it all a happy life, and travel, have a mink coat, eat and not gain weight, the latest iPhone, happy family and of course the prince on a white horse. In order to look if the organizers came to realize these desires in one place, come and check on their own experience.

Venue: Ukrainian House, International Congress Center Street. 2 Khreshchatyk.

Date: December 5 from 10:00.

Login: predprodazh - 100 UAH, the day of the festival - 150 UAH.

The festival program

The program of the event provided many events of different areas. The territory conditionally divided into two thematic areas in the hope that the woman is both an angel and imp.

In Paradise is planned:

  • angelic lounge area;
  • shopping area;
  • heavenly cuisine, which serve attractive men.

In Hell you can taste more savory things:

  • hell lounge area where you treat blows on the fifth point;
  • non-stop tattoo parlor;
  • spicy cuisine and fiery shots;
  • shopping area.

Simultaneously, work 3 lecture halls where you rozkazuvatymut over 30 lecturers of happiness, family harmony, career, wealth, and love and sex.

At the work for you makeup artists, hairdressers, masseurs, beauticians and stylists.

"Beauty will save the world" - say the organizers. We can not disagree with them.

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