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Ukrainian festival "Winter patterns", Boiany


19-22 February you will find unforgettable impressions and emotions, positive sea at the National Children and Youth Arts Festival "Winter patterns" to be held in the ski resort "Solar Valley" in Chernivtsi region.

Location: ski resort "Solar Valley" , p. Boyani in Chernivtsi region.

Date: February 19 starts at 10:00, the end - 22 February at 18:00.

Cost of visits: Free.

The festival program

Ukrainian Children and Youth Arts Festival Competition "Winter patterns" includes the following categories:

  • singing (folk, pop, Academic Song)
  • Choreography (folk, classical, contemporary, pop and street dance, jazz, ballet, belly dance, etc.)
  • instrumental genre (piano, brass and string instruments, orchestras, ensembles);
  • original genre (circus and sports programs);
  • theater events;
  • Theatre (puppetry, drama, music and so on. plays)
  • fine arts - painting in any technology, graphic arts (drawing, engraving, lithography, poster);
  • applied arts and creativity;
  • art photography;
  • artistic reading (humorous, dramatic works, author reading);
  • designers clothes or accessories.

All tools and materials are provided by the participants. We invite talented girls and boys aged 5 to 40 years. The jury evaluates participants on a 10-point scale. As a general scoring determined the winners in each category and age group. The winners receive the title of Grand Prix winners of I, II, III degrees.

Phone: +38 (097) 342-98-42, +38 (093) 760-19-90.

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