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IV Festival-Contest "EMPIRE STAR 2016", Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipro


At the end of March regional public organization "Concert Producers Association" Star Empire "is scheduled IV All-Ukrainian festival-competition" EMPIRE STAR 2016 "in Dnepropetrovsk. The event is traditionally held contests and professional meetings.

The main goal of the festival - the development and support of children and teenagers in the country.

Location: st. Quay Victory 5, Dnipropetrovsk.

Dates: from 29 to 31 March inclusive.

Cost: Entrance for spectators - free.

Festival-Contest "EMPIRE STAR 2016"

The main tasks and objectives of the festival:

  • cultural, aesthetic and patriotic education of youth and children;
  • providing opportunities to successfully identify and promote the talents of young people;
  • and promotion of exchange of experience among individual performers from different regions;
  • strengthening trade relations and create friendly relations between groups.

The organization of this contest allows to support and promote children`s and youth work, increase the cultural level of the population through the traditional basis for the creation of such youth activities.

Competition category:

  • vocal genre;
  • dance genre;
  • circus arts.

Participate can individual performers and groups aged 5 to 25 years and older. Also invited all creative collectives of schools and houses of culture.

Registration fees for participants

1. Choreography and pop-art sports:

  • Soloists - 160 UAH;
  • Duets - 120 UAH per participant;
  • teams - 100 UAH per one participant.

2. Vocal:

  • Soloists - 220 UAH;
  • Duet - 130 UAH per participant;
  • staff - 100 UAH per participant.

To send an application must download the form, fill it out, agree to the contest rules and submit the registration fee. Applications are accepted from 15 February to 21 March inclusive. To send an e-mail: festival_dnepr@i.ua.

Contact: +38 (066) 725-27-69, +38 (093) 221-00-36.

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