Festival KUKUMYAVKA, Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipro

In early April, a festival "KUKUMYAVKA" in Dnepropetrovsk - festival uniting joy and fills everyone. More than 80 workshops over two days will spring for adults and children.
This time the guests will perform: a practical psychologist and educator Alexander Nesterov, director of choral ensemble M. Grigorenko, instructor of the ancient practices of S. Zaitsev, transformational coach and ihrotehnik J. Smith, S. master Immortal and many other professionals.
Venue: School number 28 on the street. Vladimir Dubinin, 12, Dnepropetrovsk.
Date: 2-3 April 2016 will start at 10:00, conclusion - at 19:00.
Cost: 1 day ticket costs from 100 to 200 USD, 2 days - from 170 to 370 USD.
The festival program "KUKUMYAVKA"
The festival positive transformation of life "KUKUMYAVKA" two days will be held over 80 workshops by professional artists. The event provided:
- ethnic games and dances;
- workshops for children;
- Playback Theatre;
- psychology;
- art therapy;
- yoga, voice and breathing practices;
- Women practice;
- ethno-jam;
- dancing;
- game etnomuzychnyh instruments;
- Fair hand-made.
Among the workshops, each visitor can:
- Learn to "Resolving conflicts vnutrishnoosobystyh using art therapy and psycho." You are invited Alexander Nesterov.
- Learn how to make a beautiful and sonorous voice of a master class academic (opera) singing Nicholas Grigorenko.
- Perform complex healing exercises that contribute to the accumulation of the flow of vital energy of Earth and Heaven together with Sviatoslav Zaytsev.
- Play psychological games with transformational Julia Smith.
- Learn to sculpt wax candles and wax together with Zlata immortal.
- Fabricate toys corn letter from Elena Belova-Braychenko.
- To participate in the workshop "Modeling clay whistles" and many others.
Contact: +38 (097) 797-01-97, +38 (067) 903-18-87.