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Urban Festival "Cusіdi FEST» conscious neighborhood, Kiev, Kyiv


Festival "Cusіdi FEST» will be held May 28 in Kiev.

conscious Neighbourhood Festival, which will show how a simple citizen is able to change your home, neighborhood, city with a minimum of effort. We want to unite strangers and create an atmosphere of a happy life neighbors together to do any sleeping area a place where you want to live, work and play!

Venue: Park Poznyaki (str. Dragomanova), Kiev.

Date: May 28, 2016.

Admission is free.

Neighbor neighbor, not a wolf. On "Cusіdi FEST» Visitors will see the successful projects of transformation of urban space, will meet with local authorities and entrepreneurs who know how to implement the urban ideas.

Future good neighbors learn how to create condominiums, urban-gardens and nice town in the yard and in the city, how to implement budget projects in their area, to improve the local infrastructure.

Combined strength can be felt during the workshops, where everyone will get the best results by doing only what is to their liking.

Someone get the inspiration for your business, and someone will find a team to transform your home, porch or favorite park, because the event is already taking part:

  • Support Center owners `condominium-YES` houses,
  • Research Project Designer / patio
  • Organization «Let`s do it, Ukrane»,
  • young scientists and fans of science lectures «15x4»,
  • ekozoom project "PURE"
  • Film Festival and Urban "86"
  • landscape project "Ecopark Osokorki"
  • environmental public park "home-grown tobacco," and many others.

Become part of the city can change in some areas of the festival:

  • lecture,
  • Area of ​​master classes,
  • family entertainment area,
  • Fair talent
  • cinema under the sky and lounge area.

Local craftsmen and street cooking food will entertain all guests.

Hi, neighbor! Time to bring together neighbors to form correct habits of the city hosts, getting pleasure from the off-line communication!

Contacts: 097-67-0000-4, 063-344-54-18.

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