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Excursion to the museum A. Blavatsky, Dnipro


Probably most of us have never thought that in Dnepropetrovsk lived this mystical and odious person as Helena Blavatsky. Her work influenced the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. According to various sources, it was an occultist, theologian, philosopher, and Theosophist. During his life he made ​​three round the world, founded ambiguously perceived "Teosofichne Society". Her most famous book - "expose Isis" and "The Secret Doctrine".

Who is Helena Blavatsky and what she did? As it developed its outlook and stanovyvsya the legendary "desire for truth"? All this you can find in the house-museum. Helena Blavatsky, who is waiting for you in one of the streets of our city. Our tour will be accompanied by a professional guide who can answer your questions, you will learn the story of her life and work and be able to develop their attitude to her work.

Cost: voluntary contribution to the development of the museum.

Seats are limited! Call, booking of seats:

(056) 788 00 56

(068) 68 22 557

(066) 38 45 093


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