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Performance "Roots" (the stories Lyudmila Ulitskaia), Dnipro


L. Ulitskaja has the property after leaving his books impression "This is our life. All in the mind and hard calculation. Weak and naive people are destined to fly into the abyss. "

But not so simple, because even in the most hopeless siutatsiyah human nature to seek out and enjoy life.

Theater director, Valery Kleimenov: "Despite all the difficulties of life, the stories Ulitskaia a lot of heat, and the love of life - optimism. Characters (Genele-sumochnitsa, Bron`ka, Simca, and others.) Charming, full of worldly wisdom and humor. "

In the hierarchy of life`s intangible values ​​have an important place: the theater "Humayun" I would like to share with you the joy and beauty of life that is wiser and more versatile us.

Information and reservations:

  • 050 42 11 304
  • 056 371 45 22

Ticket price: 60 USD

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