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Walk in the Dnieper-Orilskyy reserve, Dnipro


Bored with the endless stream of cars, dirty air, and you dream of a vacation from the excitement of the city?

We offer a trip to the Dnieper-Orilskoho nature reserve , unique in our area.

We have a walk in a pine forest, go to proholodzhuyuchoho lake, perhaps we`re lucky to see wild boar or deer. Get acquainted with the flora of Dnipropetrovsk.

Go sightseeing route is about 7-8 km. We will accompany biologist who not only talk about native species of plants and animals, but also answer all your questions.

With the mother: water and snacks, indoor clothes, closed shoes, hat.


  • schoolchildren, students - 80 UAH.
  • adults - 90 UAH.

Place: turtsentr "Andrew Fish" at 9:00. Go back in Dnepropetrovsk at 14:00.

Questions and recording call:

  • (056) 788 00 56
  • (068) 68 22 557
  • (066) 38 45 093
  • (093) 80 22 383

Tickets can be purchased in the tourist center "Andrew Fish" or transfer money to the card: 5168 7572 6296 5710 Holovatsky Sergey. And be sure to call us to inform and provide a check transfer.

Warning: In case of cancellation of tours by applicable law we turn only 50%! In case of cancellation on the day of the tour money is not returned.

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