Виставка-ярмарок «ТурЕКСПО»

The “TourEXPO” exhibition is an important event in the field of tourism business in Western Ukraine, a meeting place for national and international representatives of tourism organizations, managers of accommodation rest and recovery.
The main objective of the exhibition is a promotion of tourism opportunities and little-known objects of Ukraine and the world, demonstrating a wide range of professionals the latest achievements in the field of tourism and hospitality.
The target audience of visitors: travel companies, key employees health and spa facilities, hotels and other accommodation establishments, entertainment, active investors and tourists.
Thematic sections:
- Offers holiday in Ukraine and abroad.
- Tourism products and infrastructure of Lviv region.
- Little-known tourist destinations in Ukraine and worldwide.
- SPA and health-improving tourism.
- Active, adventure and eco-tourism.
- Accommodation and recreation facilities.
- Transportation and air services.
- Education abroad.
- Insurance in tourism.
- Information technologies in tourism.
- Tourist offices from all over the world.
- Fair guides.
Welcome to the annual biggest tourist event in Western Ukraine!