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The Dnipropetrovsk Academic Theatre of Russian Drama named after Maxim Gorky

The Dnipropetrovsk Academic Theatre of Russian Drama named after Maxim Gorky

Оne of oldest theatres of Ukraine is situated in Dnipropetrovsk, on Karla Marksa Avenue. Nowadays, the Theatre of Russian Drama named after Maxim Gorky is considered to be an architectural monument of the national meaning.

The building was created in 1900 and served as a gym for the Children Care Society. Between 1906 and 1907, the building was reconstructed and turned into the Winter Theatre. The local architect Fedor Bulatsel designed it in the style of Art Nouveau. The Winter Theatre became the main attraction of the city.

In 1927, the Dnipropetrovsk City Council approved the redesign of the Winter Theatre to host the Russian Drama Theatre, this formed part of the Maly Theatre in Moscow. The theatre was named after the writer and dramatist Maxim Gorky, a large number of his plays featured regularly in the theatre.

The war brought new changes to the building. Thanks to the architect Alexander Krasnoselsky, the theatre looks the way we know it nowadays. It has several Corinthian columns. Six snow-white female sculptures decorate the frontage of the theatre building. A special decoration of the three-storey portico also attracts much attention to the building. The Theatre of Russian Drama consists of a large concert hall and some small rooms with good acoustics.

During the time of the theatre’s existence, such famous artists as Feodor Chaliapin, Leonid Sobinov, Ivan Patorzhynsky and others appeared on its stage. Politicians of the Soviet Union held their meetings in the hall designed for 1200 people. At one of such meetings, the city of Katerynoslav was officially renamed to Dnipropetrovsk.

Plays of the Dnipropetrovsk Academic Theatre of Russian Drama have completed the gold reserve of the Ukrainian theatre art. The theatre has gained love of the audience not only in Dnipropetrovsk and its region, but also all around the territory of Ukraine.

The Dnipropetrovsk Academic Theatre of Russian Drama named after M. Gorky is situated on 97, Karla Marksa Avenue. You can get it if you either take #1 tram which starts from the main railway station, or the root taxis # 101, 146A, 123. 


Tours and excursions

Тур «Фестиваль «Покрова на Хортиці», «Кам’яна могила» та Петриківка». На Покрову гайда на козацьку Січ!
Фестиваль «Покрова на Хортиці» – це епіцентр святкувань для нащадків козацтва, потомків славних запоріжців. Він відбувається на легендарному острові Хортиця. Тут подія збирає шанувальників автентичної української культури. Це бойові мистецтва та ігри, народне мистецтво й музика, козацькі військові змагання, а також смачний куліш з ароматними узварами… Все що завгодно, аби тільки ви вдосталь натішилися запорізькою вольницею.
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