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Radekhiv Local History Museum

Radekhiv Local History Museum

History of Western Ukraine is rich and diverse. Each region has its own colorful traditions, all sorts of legends and epics. In the historical museum Radehovschiny you have the opportunity to learn more about this region.

Local History Museum in Radekhiv was opened in 2004. The museum consists of several rooms. Now it has more than 1500 exhibits.

Exposure local history museum covering the following topics: "The archaeological attractions of the area, ethnography", "Flora and fauna Region", "National War on Radehovschine", "Outstanding Personalities edge", "Education and school history Radehovschiny", "From the history of Ukrainian state. "

The most interesting is the exact re-creation of life radehovtsev. Museum staff thought through every detail. Furniture, clothing, utensils create a unique interior peasant hut. There is a feeling of total immersion in that era and time. The museum is open from 9:00 to 18:00, weekends - Saturday.


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