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Semiozerie at Ruska Lozova

Semiozerie at Ruska Lozova

If you - an avid angler or amateur velopokhodov scenic, then you have to taste Semiozere. The so called in the Kharkiv region, between the villages of Russian and Russian Lozovaja Tishka.

There is a chain of artificial lakes, built stage. They extend along the Alder beam along the bed of a small stream that flows into the river Kharkiv. Lakes bordered by hills, is almost completely forested. Seasoned fans of cycling are advised to go to the lakes of the Russian Tishkov. If you walk to the Russian Lozovoy, then to the first lake just over an hour. Near the second side of the lake there is a cave Lozovoy Shark.

Semiozere charms. But for hiking should choose warm sunny days. And after the rains and the spring thaw dirt roads "disappear", turning into mush, they are not easy to overcome, even in a jeep. But for racing on the road, this area is perfect.

From Kharkov to Russian Lozovoy - 19 km, while the Russian Tishkov - 25 km.

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