Museum of the History of the resort Mirgorod
At the sanatorium "Khorol" in a separate building on the second floor in 1998, opened the national museum of the history of the resort "Mirgorod". Exposure in this museum were dedicated to the history of the health resort and I. Zubkovsky - Zemstvo doctor. It was he who discovered the healing properties of mineral water "Mirgorodskaya" in 1914. This event occurred when Mirhorod to provide the city tap water was started drilling of artesian wells. But the brackish water extracted from there, was not drinking, so Zubkovsky sent her samples for analysis. Investigation of the water showed that it has healing properties and is similar in composition to the waters of the sources of Aachen and Baden-Baden.
In 1917 opened Mirgorodskaya baths, which is also represented in the exhibition, but, unfortunately, at the moment of the original building with a tower has been preserved.