Michael Church, Thick

If you have to drive past the small village of Tolstoy, you will definitely see the silver dome of St. Michael`s Church with towering gilded crosses. The building, which has features of Gothic Revival, perfectly clear to everyone who rides on the highway Ternopil - Chernivtsi.
Its construction began even before World War I on the site of an old wooden church, which came into disrepair. Funds for the construction of the new shrine, the community was missing. Therefore, the construction of the temple took almost forty years. To complete it was only before World War II.
The building was erected on the draft native town of Tolstoy, a Pole, whose name was Jan Sas-Zubzhitsky. He was a professor at Lviv Polytechnic, where he headed the department of architecture and aesthetics. Architect loved his small town and worked for him two projects - the church and the church.
Today, the church, which managed to keep the shape conceived, is the Greek Catholic church. Across from him is the Church of St. Anne . Also of architectural interest in the village is the town hall and Thick tycoon Olonetsky house, which dates from the 18th century.