Toky Castle

Stone castle, built on an artificial island, appeared in the late 16th century. This stronghold was of strategic importance - it was prepared for the role of defender of the Tatar raids.
Castle successfully coped with this task. But he could not resist the Cossacks, conquered and destroyed the fortress during the liberation war. Soon defensive structure subjected to another test - the castle destroyed by the Turks. From the ruins, he rose in the first half of the 18th century. But not as a defensive structure. One of the fortified towers even was rebuilt under the Catholic Church.
It is worth noting that in the Middle Ages the castle was known as Ozhigovetsky, in honor of the village, to which he belonged. The village still exists today, but the castle now belongs to another locality. The reason is that when the Russian and Austrian Empire was divided between land Rzeczpospolita, the border passed along the river Zbruch and separated the castle, which went to the Austrians from the village Ozhigovtsy.
Especially rock suffered during the First World War it began to disassemble for road construction. Today is preserved only corner tower. Her image can be seen on the arms of the village currents. Partially preserved ruins of the castle, but plans for their reconstruction is no - the locals graze cattle here.