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Kremenets Botanical Garden

Kremenets Botanical Garden

Kremenetskiy botanical garden - not only one of the most beautiful parts of Ternopil region, but also one of the oldest gardens of this kind in Ukraine. Its base accounts for 1806. Irish gardener D. Broker and Austrian biologist W. Besser began planting land of 4.5 hectares, with a dedicated Kremenetsky higher school, local and exotic plants. Then the area of ​​the park close to the body of the institution. After 5 years from the bottom of the garden stands the number is not less than 12 thousand.

After the end of the Polish insurrection, which was approved and picked lyceum students, namely from 1832 to 1834, a gymnasium with a botanical garden was disbanded. A large number of valuable plants were transferred to Kiev and was sent to the University of St. Vladimir, which became the base for creating your own park. Former botanical garden became operational as parkland. In 1990 it was decided to restore the garden.

Already   more than 200 years, this botanical garden is an independent research center involved in the introduction of foreign plants and adaptation to the new environment.

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