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Church of St. Nicholas Scala-Podolsky

Church of St. Nicholas Scala-Podolsky

In 1720, in the village of Skala Podolsky was built by the Greek-Catholic Church. In 1796 it burned down in its place built another wooden church. And in 1882 began to build a stone church of St. Nicholas. It was the first stone church in the county. In 1896, at St Nicholas Church historian and political activist Michael Grushevskii married with Maria Voyakovskih, who worked as a teacher in the village.

At the end of the Second World War, the Communist Party issued a decree, which is running the church became Orthodox, such is today. This happened in 1946. In 2011, the wall of the altar was decorated with a mosaic canvas depicting St. Nicholas.

Near the church is   source "Korolivka." Locals say that because it quenched the thirst Prince Daniel Galitsky.

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