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Palace Baden, Koropets

Palace Baden, Koropets

In a small village Koropets is an ancient palace of Count S. Baden, built early 19th century.   The original architectural style of the count`s family estate - a classic. In 1906, at the initiative of the host house was rebuilt in the style of Viennese renaissance.

On the facade of the building has an elegant portico and corbels, and the main part of the room on the first floor is decorated with frescoes exclusive. Front of the house contains elements decorative relief. At the main entrance to the building there are four massive columns, which adjoins a long balcony on the second floor. Around the palace was landscaped park.

During the First World War, the building of an ancient palace has received substantial damage, but after the end of the Count was a complete restoration.

To date, the estate is occupied by a children`s orphanage. Directly in the building were arranged music school. Part of picturesque parkland trees around the palace has survived to our times.

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