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Romankovetsky Park

Romankovetsky Park

Romankovetsky park - a unique natural complex in the village Romankovtsy Sokiryanskgo district of Chernivtsi region, it is one of the oldest parks in Ukraine, it is more than 200 years.

History Romankovetskogo Park

Earlier, on the site where now stretches Romankovetsky park grows natural Parks. Basically it consisted of oak, hornbeam, maple, ash, birch, linden, willow and acacia. The founder of the park is considered a landowner V. Balonesku, according to other sources B. Balonetsky in the early 19th century, however, the complex begins to develop actively only after 30 years.

In 1838, the park turns into the possession of the landlord Krupensky and he decides to develop a fleet of classic European examples of landscape art. The territory was divided into recreational areas, paved alleys, equipped with an underground greenhouse. Krupensky landlords managed to gather here a unique collection of trees and shrubs brought from various parts of the world.

What can be seen in the park

To this day preserved a unique green tunnel with a length of more than 1 km. He leads from the park to the right of the local church. Also noteworthy are the remains of residential and farm buildings of the old Romankovtsev.

How to get to the park Romankovetskomu

The village is located 150 kilometers from Chernovtsy, practically on the border of Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regions. You can get here by bus, departing from the bus station in Vinnitsa and Chernovtsy and follow towards Romankovtsev.


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