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Museum of Ukrainian-Czech-Slovak friendship, Svitanok

Museum of Ukrainian-Czech-Slovak friendship, Svitanok

Museum of Ukrainian-Czech-Slovak friendship with Dawn created not by chance, it is devoted to preserving the memory of the fallen soldiers. The museum is a unique source of information on events of the past, presented in documents and objects.

History museum

Museum of Ukrainian-Czech-Slovak friendship with Dawn opened in 1980. Its location is here connected with the events of 1943, when a wave of Czechoslovak soldiers that moved on the Soviet-German front, near the station Yahnivka airstrike succumbed to the Germans.

As a result of these events killed 54 soldiers - their mass grave stele installed and marble slabs with the names of the victims.

Every year on October 14 and on the day of victory here come the military attache of the Czech Republic to honor the memory of fallen heroes.

The museum exhibition

The exhibits are housed in 4 rooms.

  1. The first room contains the history of the land of Kievan Rus.
  2. In the center of the exhibition describes the period of World War II - diorama that shows in detail the events on the station Yahnivka.
  3. In a separate room contains documents hero Czechoslovak L. Svoboda, who took part in the territory of Chernihiv first in the civil war against the Red Army, then in the battles against the Germans during the Second World War.
  4. Hall "Druzhba" shows exhibits and documents of Ukraine friendly relations with Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

How to get there

Museum of Ukrainian-Czech-Slovak friendship Svitaylo is on the street, on the outskirts of a small village Sunrise. Most runs along the route T2527, which stretches from the town Monastyrysche and intersects with Highway R67. Nearby is the railway path, the hamlet is peaceful Yahnivka station.

Museum Hours: 9:00 to 17:00, weekends - Tuesday and Wednesday.

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