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Memorial Museum-Estate of John Mykolaychuk

Memorial Museum-Estate of John Mykolaychuk

Museum-estate of the famous Ukrainian actor Ivan Mykolaychuk located in the house where he spent his childhood idol of the future, in the village of Chertoroy Chernivtsi region. The small house has been for many years and welcomes tourists and admirers of famous masters from all over Ukraine.

Who is Ivan Mikolaichuk

Ivan Mikolaichuk - outstanding Ukrainian actor, writer, director and composer. Born in 1941 in the village of Chertoroy. The most popular actor brought the role in the film "Dream" Ivan Paliychuk, the role of the young Taras Shevchenko Ivan performed while still a student, and "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors."

In the 70s of the 20th century Ivan Mikolaichuk begins to act not only as an actor but also as a writer and composer in the film "White Bird with Black Mark" (1971) and "Babylon XX" (1979). In 1968, the actor was awarded the title of People`s Artist of Ukraine.

The exhibits of the museum-estate Mykolaychuk

Museum-estate Ivan Mykolaychuk is in the house of his parents, almost on the outskirts of the village Chertoroy. The house has two bedrooms and a small storage room, but in the early 20th century it was considered one of the most prosperous in the village. In this house, the parents of the future idol raised ten children.

Valuable is the fact that the environment is preserved here, which was during the life of Ivan. Changes undergone a roof, now it is not covered with straw. The house is also a real historical monument, it is rebuilt according to old traditions of Bukovina - hut made of wood and the windows are decorated with wide bands of clay, painted in blue color.

Inside the walls of the museum completely uvesheny photographs of the actor. Also, there is stored his personal belongings, heirlooms and other items that cherish the memory of the most significant events in the life of Ivan Mykolaychuk. Director of the museum is the older sister of actor.

Museum-estate Ivan Mykolaychuk in Chertoroy over the years has taken a lot of people. Among them was Lina Kostenko. Whole walls of the museum have seen visitors from 13 countries. It deserves the attention of tourists is another relic of the house - book reviews and quotations.

How to get to the museum

Museum-estate Ivan Mykolaychuk located in the village Chertoroy Kitsman district. The village is located 40 km west of Chernivtsi. Here the tourist can get by car or take advantage of the public. From the district center in the village are regular bus services.

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Пропонуємо відвідати український карнавал, що проходить кожного року на Буковині. Це унікальна можливість побачити дійство з переодяганнями у різних істот, звірів та божеств, яка бере свій початок у язичництві. МаланкаФест подарує вам незабутні емоції. Протягом дводенного туру ви маєте можливість побачити багато цікавого, а саме: Екскурсія до містечка Вашківці, де на Старий Новий рік відбувається відтворення стародавніх унікальних традицій, пов’язанихз Маланкою. Відвідування села Чортория, де жив і помер один з найвидатніших акторів українського кіно Іван Миколайчук. Побуваємо у музеї та побачимо озеро, де зимують леюеді. Оглядова подорож по Чернівцях – маленькому Парижу Буковини. Мандрівка до Вознесеньської церкви, що знаходиться в Лужанах. На її території знайдено фундамент, датований 8 століттям.
Чернівці – маленький Париж
Побувайте у Парижі, не покидаючи Україну. Чернівці недарма називають маленьким Парижем. Адже шарм давнього міста зачарує і перенесе в уяві у романтичні закутки міста кохання.
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