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Yuzefinsky oak

Yuzefinsky oak

Yuzefinsky oak grows in the tract "Yuzefinsky cottage" in the mortgaged in the 15th century park, which is located on the outskirts of the village of clay . This park is a monument of landscape art. Oak also called the "Tree of Prince Igor" by reason of one legend, which states that the   Oak witnessed hike the famous prince in 945.

This oak   considered one of the oldest trees of the country. In the Book of Records of Ukraine, he is listed as the oldest oak in Ukraine, which is almost 1300 years. But experts Kiev Ecological and Cultural Center believe that the oak is not more than 1000 years, so he has no right to claim the title of the oldest tree of Ukraine.

Currently, this tree is 27 meters high and has a girth of the trunk of 7.9 meters. Unfortunately, the oak-patriarch is in very poor condition, as on its trunk has a few hollows, constantly increasing in size, and several large cracks that have appeared from a lightning strike. Survived only two branches, the rest has long dried up. Some time ago, tourists under a tree fire spread, from which nearly burned oak.

Specialists "Yuzefinsky Park" plan will soon seal the cracks in oak and iron buckles fasten the trunk. Near the old wood will eventually be a lightning rod.

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