Museum "Wooden Sculpture", apple

In the picturesque village of apple trees is one of the most amazing museums Prikarpattya - Museum "Wood Sculpture". The museum offers an exhibition of works from the audience korneplastiki, which is quite unusual for many visitors. This museum was founded in 2008. The founder and the permanent head of the museum is the master of woodcarving Igor Fartushny. The establishment and operation of the museum met with vivid response among both local people and tourists as well as by management and local business.
What can be seen in the museum "Forest Sculpture"
The exhibits of the museum - it is the handiwork of nature reflected the pristine beauty of the Carpathian region. I. Fartushny allows for a fresh look at the surrounding reality, to see the miraculous in the ordinary and inadvertently touch the perception of our ancestors-Slavs. Every object - a snag or tree bark residue bizarre. The tree is not varnished and is treated that inadvertently brings the viewer to the ancient times of Kievan Rus. Each sculpture is reminiscent of ancient idols - chury with stern faces of the gods and the spirits of nature. More than a hundred exhibits takes the viewer into the world of the unknown and the mysterious past of our people.
The museum does not stop its work throughout the year. Every month there are new colorful exhibits collected caring hands of a master. Natural dyes used in the treatment of wooden sculptures, adds color to each exhibit.
Visit the magic show to enjoy the pristine beauty of nature, get new thrills. This exhibition will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of the national culture and wildlife.