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Church of St. Nicholas in Podobovtse

Church of St. Nicholas in Podobovtse

Church of St. Nicholas in the small village of Transcarpathian Podobovets. It was built in 1785. As materials for the construction of the temple were used oak beams. Near the temple stands an ancient cross decorated with paintings, made in the early 20th century that displays events from the Gospel.

Nicholas Church is the main attraction of the village, which used to be known primarily as a ski resort. Podobovets village situated at an altitude of about 700 meters on the north slope of the ridge Polonyna Borzhava. In summer you can make horse riding and trekking. You can also go on a trek, for example, to the waterfall spikes , which is a few kilometers away.


Tours and excursions

На 3 дня в Карпаты. Поход по Боржаве
Тур-поход по Боржаве – несложный пеший поход c ночевкой в палатках на 3 дня. Маршрут рассчитан больше на новичков. Вас ждут:  церковь Святого Николая в селе Подобовец;  горные источники с природной минеральной водой; удивительной красоты Боржавский хребет;  красивейшие пейзажи гор вблизи села Пилипец;  водопад Шипит с его чистейшей горной водой;  дружеские посиделки у костра, неописуемой красоты рассветы и закаты. 
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