Church of St. Barbara

Attraction in the village Kominternovsky , which is located 41.1 km from Odessa, is the Church of St. Barbara. Thanks to the efforts of the landowner Kolmogorov in 1818, the church opened its doors to all parishioners. In 1862 there was founded the parish school.
History of attractions, as well as many other churches of the country, has changed: in Soviet times the temple was destroyed. In 1995, construction began on a new church. Architect A. Malahovskiy designed construction of a new church - St. Varvara. 7 years later (in 2002) resumed the church was consecrated.
Outside the temple attracts by its simplicity: smooth high walls, gilded domes tops, calm light tone of the building. Inside Cathedral impresses with its spaciousness, wealth frescoed ceilings, painted arches and magnificent altar. Tune in peace, candid conversation with God helps and leisurely stroll through the beautifully landscaped area adjacent to the temple.