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Gaymanova grave

Gaymanova grave

Wild steppe of Zaporizhzhya region kept a lot of secrets. Many centuries ago, the land was a haven of warlike Scythians. Most of the information about this tribe is more like a legend than fact.

Not so long ago the mysterious world of the Scythians opened its curtain. Archaeologists have discovered a royal Scythian burial - Gaymanova grave.

History Gaimanova grave

Excavations Gaimanova mountain began at the end of the years 1969-1970. It represents a group of Scythian burial mounds 46, located near the village of Beams. The height of the grave was 8-9 meters. At first, archaeologists have begun for smaller mounds. But there they were only waiting for disappointment. They were mercilessly looted. Getting Gaimanova Mount scientists would not even see anything. But here he was lucky.

Archaeologists have found in the burial mound of two men and two women. By all indications, it was the burial place of notable people of the tribe. With them were several servants. Also it was found Warhorse in rich armor. Although this mound hit by thieves, many remained intact. Archaeologists have gathered here all sorts of bronze, wooden utensils, leather shoes with gold socks, Scythian jewelry.

The pearl of the collection was the silver bowl with gilded ornaments. In the bowl depicts scenes from the life of pairwise noble Scythians. One side depicts two Scythians, enthusiastic conversation. They are wearing elegant clothes. Each sitting with arms and other symbols of power. Bowl - an excellent copy of the Scythian epoch.

You should visit the Gaymanova mountain and explore it yourself. Maybe you`re lucky to find something special, too. Or just feel the spirit of the freedom-loving people who always permeated our steppe.

How to get to the tomb Gaimanova

Gaymanova tomb is located near the village of Beams. Before the village can be reached from Zaporozhye. From the bus station go to bus Energodar. Beams from the village you can walk.


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