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Church Cv. Demetrius Lityatin

Church Cv. Demetrius Lityatin

Church of St. Demetrius in Lityatyni is an architectural monument of local importance.

The temple was built in 1906. Stone church, dome. The walls are painted in a dark yellow color. The area of ​​the church surrounded by a small fence wire. In the sculpture is the Virgin Mary. In 1975, it was destroyed and rebuilt in 1992 on the initiative of the local head of Ivan Oleksyuk.

In place of the demolished chapel erected the cross of Saints Peter and Paul.

How to get there

Church of St. Demetrius is located in a small village Lityatyn. Half its shares T2004 line, which runs to the city Bershad . With the city can be reached by bus or own transport.

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