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Museum of the Old Believers, White Krynica

Museum of the Old Believers, White Krynica

Village White Krynica truly unique. It lives straroobryadtsiv community that settled there in the days of Peter I. These people kept their customs and traditions today. Even more - the village became a center of Orthodox Old Believers all over Ukraine. To be able to present their history and life in the village opened a museum of Old Believers.

The museum`s collection Old Believers

It is housed in a special museum complex. He divides his room along with the residence of the Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church staroobryadnoyi. Exhibits tell you about the history of the village and its settlement of Old Believers, especially their traditions and way of life. Among the many exhibits of modern materials, books and odyahu.Osoblyvu attention is drawn to the colorful pictures of local people in the past.

History Museum in White Krynica

The museum was opened in 1988, during the restructuring. It existed in the local staroobryadnomu temple . However, in 1990 it had to close due to lack of funding. He resumed until the 2011 when it was organized by the World Centre of the Old Believers.

It should be noted that the village was the center of the metropolis staroobryadnoyi church, and it has twice held sacred cathedrals (charges) ministers of the old rite Orthodox. So, a small village on the border with Romania became the world center of the Old Believers.

How to get there

The museum is located in the Old Believers White Krynica village center. It Chernivtsi ride buses. There are flights suburban bus from the district center deep. Remember, a village located in the border zone because of a need to have documents proving identity.

Hours Museum in the Old Believers White Krynica: establishment is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday - by appointment.

Login: 2 USD for adults and $ 1 for students and children.

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