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Church of the Assumption, Chortkov

Church of the Assumption, Chortkov

Many centuries ago, when church and state were the only ones in the first defensive wall was built to defend against attacks of the enemy. A second temples were built, where they could hide from the surrounding hustle and talk with God.

When in 1522 the village Chortkovytsi that in the region, received Magdeburg Law, the owner Chartkovskyy began to build not only fortifications on the left bank of Seret, but found the place for future wooden church.

Since obtaining city status Chortkovytsi were called Chertkov and has built the Assumption Church had to endure many tests.

History Chortkiv Assumption Church

16th century was one of naynasychenishyh in Ukrainian history. Endless War and the Tatar-Mongol raids have become a curse not only for people but also for churches and palaces. These raids did not bring nothing but grief and tears, so the newly built Assumption Church also not the best predicted fate.

Serene was just the first couple of decades. Three times the church was destroyed three times its rebuilt. As a result of these reconstructions its appearance has undergone some changes.

And if not for the parishioners, then who knows whether dostoyav to church to this day. The initiators of the reconstruction of the Assumption Church became artisans - Nikolay Kushnir Drachuk and shoemaker Gabriel Crane.

In just three years the church was built in the Podolsk virtually re-Carpathian style. The temple was consecrated in 1584.

However, by the temple again and again swept devastating battles. And every such battle scars left on the walls of the church. So after the decision to build a new fortification on the left bank of the Seret in 1610 begin to build a new wooden Assumption Church, we can now see in Chertkov. Construction continued until 1635.

For centuries, the church suffered from wars, but ultimately declined already in Soviet times. As you know, in the Soviet Union rejected any religion. Knowledge slogan of that period - "Religion - the opium of the people." So getting and temples. Some destroyed, rozhrabovuvaly, made them a museum of atheism, while others simply collapsed.

But in the first years of independence the church was given a second wind. It literally demolished to the ground and re-erected, replacing the old unwanted wood new. By the way, it turned out pretty well. During the reconstruction respected traditions of the 17th century building. Also inside is also preserved ancient 18th century iconostasis.

Currently, the sanctuary belongs to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

Getting to the church in Chortkiv

Assumption Church is the oldest church Chertkov. And it is located in the heart of the city - in the courtyard near the Independence Square.

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