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Hotel Alpha, Mukachevo

Hotel Alpha

Do not know where to stay in Mukachevo? Inexpensive and comfortable vacation hotel will provide you with the "Alpha". The hotel is located near the city center, so it is convenient to visit all the attractions of the glorious Mukachevo.

Hotel "Alfa"

Serves guests courteous and professional staff. The hotel area is landscaped and well maintained. Nice to stroll through the shady alleys of the hotel and enjoy the singing of birds.

At your service:

  • parking;
  • billiards;
  • internet access;
  • pool;
  • massage room;
  • sauna.

The complex also has a restaurant for 50 people. Submitted by Ukrainian and European cuisine. This place is ideal for family celebrations. This fun guests of the restaurant does not prevent the rest of the guests.

Rooms at

The interior is in a contemporary style. Presented 2, 3, 4 and 5-bed rooms "Standard". The hotel also has a few rooms, "junior suite" and "suite". All rooms have new furniture. The beds are equipped with orthopedic mattresses. Each room has a private bathroom and a shower room.

Cost of living: 150-400 hryvnia per day per person. Discounts are available.

Telephone number: +38 (050) 969-77-87.

Getting there

The hotel can be reached by private car or public transport, following through the center of the city. The hotel is located on the street Galitsky, 78.


Tours and excursions

Тайны Карпат
Карпаты всегда накрывал легкий нимб таинственности и мистичности. Языческие капища, мольфары, ведьмы. Такие, как в фильме Параджанова «Тени забытых предков». До сих пор даже в городах существуют свои тайны и легенды. Например, в чем секрет замка Паланок, что побывал под всеми возможными властями Европы, но так и не сдался хану Батыю? Каким замком владели родственники графа Дракулы? Или кто наплакал целое озеро слез за своим погибшим любимым? И о чем шепчет водопад Шипот? И еще множество легенд, которые хранятся под покровом карпатских лесов.
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