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Ideas for the New Year. Budget option


Traditional family feast on New Year today is no surprise. So many people try to go on a winter vacation abroad: Maldives, Dominican Republic, Bali ... Sounds great, but the prices of these popular and expensive resorts during the holidays take off several times. And most of the amount of "eat" fare.

One of the most accessible and affordable are the Baltic countries. Incidentally, vacation in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to better organize yourself. So you do not have to pay a pretty decent percentage of the tour operator.

For example, an ancient Hanseatic city - Riga - is perfect to spend winter holidays. The old part of the Latvian capital is full of historical places. Medieval castles, magnificent cathedrals, cozy streets of cobblestone, theaters and modern museums - there is something to see. And if you add to this list the beautiful winter scenery and a special festive atmosphere, you will not be able to forget the New Year in Riga!

The largest city in Lithuania Vilnius is famous for its Christmas market. With the holidays on the main street of the capital collected skilled craftsmen from the most distant corners of the country. They offer original handmade souvenirs, including knitted hats, scarves, mittens, and folk art items: wicker baskets, ceramic plates, bowls and other items.

But Tallinn little more than their neighbors, but here on holidays takes a lot of different events, concerts and festivals. Besides, the ancient city in the winter especially charming: snow bridge, cozy coffee shops, streets decorated with hundreds of lights and, of course, forest beauty, set on an old tradition in the Town Square. Incidentally, it was in Tallinn for the first time in Europe established the Christmas tree, it was back in 1441. Since then the tradition was transformed only.

And if after all the options you continue to dream about a warm New Year, then travel to Egypt. Country mysterious pyramids remains affordable warm area for many tourists. Here you will find endless beaches, green palm trees, exotic cocktails and surf.

Egypt considered a great alternative to Thailand and India. These countries have a rich cultural heritage and national traditions and a good level of service. Therefore, tourists can enjoy hiking, beach vacation, excursions, fishing, diving.

Cambodia - an excellent option for budget vacation. Low prices for food and drinks, as well as a huge number of hostels and cheap rooms in hotels make the country accessible all year round. In addition, the best time to visit is just considered the winter - from November to February.

Another inexpensive and fun resort is Vietnam. East exotic atmosphere, delicious dishes of national cuisine, excursions to the most picturesque corners - is a perfect gift for the New Year for you and your loved ones.

Of course, a trip to distant lands should be planned in advance. But if you prefer a spontaneous vacation, then decide the amount you can just highlight on winter vacation. And proceeding from it, pick yourself resort afford. 

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