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Folk-rock festival "Mlynomaniya-2015", Berehove

Folk-rock festival

This summer will once folk-rock festival called "Mlynomaniya 2015".

The time of the meeting scheduled for the last month of summer, namely 1 and 2 August.

The festival will include:

  • Ukrainian and foreign performers;
  • folklore groups;
  • craftsmen;
  • bards and poets.


The event will be held near the picturesque village of Vinnytsia region - Cave .

Every year on the beautiful shores of the Southern Bug lovers gather hundreds of Ukrainian culture, folk art and contemporary art.

Festival tradition, however, as the venue, immutable.

Festival guests come here not only to listen to ethnic music, but also enjoy the local nature.

Fans of active recreation can:

  • climb the winding path of the high cliff;
  • meet with old mills;
  • walk along the river bank.

Romantics prefer the night gatherings around the campfire, singing songs with a guitar, intimate conversation.

The local nature of the good in any season, especially in summer, large rocks, wild river rapids, flat valley. There are also several historical monuments: the old Cossack church, church-tomb Potocki.

Entrance to the festival is free.

See also:


The most interesting events in Ukraine. Pidpysuysya and be aware of.


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This year the festival will be held from 1 to 2 August, and place of the meeting will Bychova tract. Festival awaits all those who wish to take part in it, and here traditionally involved about 80 groups and solo artists.
Start: 01 August 2015
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