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International Tourism Day in Dnipropetrovsk


September 27 the world celebrates International Day of Tourism, and Dnepropetrovsk is no exception!

On the last Sunday of September Dnepropetrovsk filled with a variety of entertainment and competitions, of course, tourism topics.

Major activities to celebrate Tourism Day on September 27 will be held in the park of culture and rest. Shevchenko as well.

Based on the Decree of the Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Valentine Reznichenko to the visitors forward the following measures:

  • interactive voting to determine the ten most attractive tourist sites;
  • campaign "Know your homeland" and "open days" at museums and libraries;
  • various excursions that will be entertaining and informative nature. Tours will hold the best tourist destinations, tour operators, and simply active and enterprising people;
  • festival-competition of youth "Famous tourist facilities in parks Dnipropetrovsk", which will be held in the aforementioned city parks;
  • lesson in local history and tourism in educational institutions and more.

As a result of the celebration of the International Day of Tourism in Dnipropetrovsk planned to create information material about the attractive sites for tourists area.

Anyone wishing to help with organizing events during the celebration of the application can send mail to: 27.09.denturizma@ukr.net.

Celebrating International Day of Tourism will be held on 27 September. Beginning at 11:00.

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