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Performance "Ecclesiastes", Lviv, L'viv


In late October, the walls of the Lviv theater pop miniatures will premiere theatrical troupe "Ecclesiastes." This performance - this year`s Pride relatively young theater. Designed for adults and is marketed as a mystery.

The performance will show you a theatrical interpretation of Ecclesiastes life - a preacher, author of Ecclesiastes, which entered the Old Testament. It is not the first in history raised the issue of the meaning of life and its purpose. Actually, his search for truth and meaning and you will see.

Theater pop miniatures - one of the youngest in. It exists since 1990. The basic idea of ​​its creation and functioning of the puppet theater was to give a new breath to the art. And inspired theater succeeded. It is open not only for children but also for adults put performances, thus showing that not only dolls toys. The theater is repeated participant and winner theater festivals.

Venue: Lviv Theatre of variety miniatures "And the people and dolls", m. Lviv, vul. Fredro 6.

Date: 31 October at 19:00.

Your telephone number: +38 (032) 261-31-25, +38 (032) 261-21-27.

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