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Ukrainian competition "Young Pianist" Kamenets, Кам'янець-Подільський


In late April under the patronage of Honored Artist of Ukraine Yuri Cat scheduled contest "Young Pianist" in Kamenetz-Podolsk. The contest became a children`s music school named Hanitskoho of Tourism and the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the city.

The aim of the festival competition is to develop creativity, cultural enrichment of children and youth, increasing the skills of the younger pianists, identify talented individuals. To participate in the contest must follow program requirements.

Location: City Children`s music school named after F. Hanitskoho street Shevchenko, 23, Kamenets.

Dates: on 22 and 23 April 2016.

Cost: free entry to spectators.

program competition

For titles and awards in the field of music compete children and adolescents in three age categories:

  • include younger age 7 to 9 years;
  • average - from 10 to 12 years;
  • older - teenagers aged 13 to 15 years.

Applications are accepted until March 20, 2016.

Conditions of participation

Software requirements for the contest were the compositions according to the age, which must be submitted to the jury:

  • for younger categories, any work of Baroque additionally virtuoso piece and one piece by choice;
  • for secondary categories: a polyphonic piece of 2 X 3 or loud Inventions, HTK Bach, any virtuoso etude, one piece by choice and work great shape;
  • For high categories: a polyphonic piece of 3 loud Inventions, HTK Bach, one piece of a large form (Sonata Viennese classics, virtuosic etude) and any piece by Ukrainian composer.

Listening will be held in one round. Members will serve in order of increasing age. All contestants are awarded a diploma for their participation. Special awards include the Grand Prix winners, diploma and special diplomas.

Contact: +38 (038) 492-39-66; +38 (067) 900-79-75.

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