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Kyiv Open Smile, Kyiv, Kyiv


Very soon will «Kyiv Open Smile» in Kiev - the first outdoor festival of humor. The event is dedicated to the famous long-Day or Day of laughter fool who usually celebrated on 1 April. The celebration will create the first free territory humor, jokes cheerful, beautiful smiles, fun and more.

The festival held master classes, competitions, music and theater performances by students, will open the fan zone, fairs, shows and other attractions. Organizers have taken care of efficiently creating a fun atmosphere.

Location: Arch of Friendship of Peoples , Kyiv.

Date: will be held April 2, 2016 from 11:00 to 20:00.

Cost: free admission.

The festival program

The event will not leave anyone indifferent. The extensive program includes the creation of the most cheerful mood and unforgettable impressions. The fun include:

  • Theatrical performances by groups of students performances;
  • exclusive rooms of circus schools;
  • Alley funny sport;
  • Art jokes, sweet tasting cuisine and, of course, drawing.

Feast of Fools «Kyiv Open Smile» - a unique opportunity to creatively make fun of friends, to participate in a massive smile-weather areas.

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