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Khmilna drama "Black blonde", Kyiv, Kyiv


How often have you hear sincere openness to other people? A celebrity? As it turns out, the perfect Hollywood smile hides a simple poor people. Khmilna drama "Black blonde" in Kyiv reveals secret life story of world famous Marilyn Monroe.

Venue: BC "Kyivprylad" on the street. Vyborg, 82, Kyiv.

Date: October 21, 2016. Beginning - at 19:00.

Cost: tickets cost from 80 to 230 USD.

On the drama

Having dealt with him once, Marilyn Monroe reminded us that we are all people, we all want a true human happiness. It would seem, abundance, glory and attention of men - is everything you want. That is not enough for happiness?

How many times this question arises in those who looked deeply into her eyes on posters, leaflets or billboards. Some were shocked, others condemned, while others might understand.

For supporters represented a unique opportunity for a glass of her favorite champagne discuss the matter personally with her and her eternal friend and enemy - Norma Jean.

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