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The premiere of the play "In the Garden of Light", Kyiv, Kyiv


In early June, Kyiv Mohyla theatrical center "Apiary" and theaters prezentuvatymetsya premiere of "In the Garden of Light" on the works of Gregory Pans in Kiev. Sam Pan, who lives near Kontraktova Square will be happy about the new interlocutors "istinnoye schastiye in Mireille" ...

The show played the language of the author.

Venue: Youth interactive theaters, Kyiv.

Date: will be held from 11 to 15 June 2016. Beginning at 19:00.

Price: Tickets 50 UAH. +38 (044) 419-85-39, +38 (066) 299-61-63.

What will be the premiere

The main goal of the play is to promote the traditions of Ukrainian theater, paying great attention to recovery and Communicating with modernity. The performance clearly demonstrates that the ancient texts and stories can be interesting and understandable, and most importantly - relevant today.

The premiere will take place in the musical design:

  • Julia Hasylinoyi setting;
  • musical accompaniment and vocals of Helen Levenko;
  • responsible for multimedia Sergey Snizhko;
  • CEO - Elena Brandelis.

The play tells about how to become happy.

Contact: +38 (044) 419-85-39, +38 (066) 299-61-63.

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