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The festival candles 2016, Lviv, L'viv


In November, traditionally the Museum Square Festival in Lviv candles create a unique romantic atmosphere of comfort and easy communication. Under the open sky for 3 days Lviv artists will work on a unique painting - a mosaic candle.

Museum Square - Lviv is a special place that has a history and energy and is ideal for the festival. On the day of the start of the residents and visitors can watch the facade of Lviv candle factory 3D-mapinh. This will be a unique spectacular picture that is worth seeing for yourself.

Venue: Square Museum , Lviv.

Dates: from 11 to 13 November 2016.

Cost: Free.

What happens at the festival candles

Light candles able to create a romantic atmosphere and coziness. This is particularly felt in special places. That place in Ukraine can be considered as the Museum Square. According to organizer Andrew Kim, the area has a unique energy, so the festival candles uniquely suited to this place.

On the day of the event on the facade of Lviv candle candle factory will design 3D-mapinh. It`s planned to light candles on the windows of residents of nearby buildings that symbolize the transfer of heat and light from the house to the street.

The festival will be held workshops on production and hand painted candles. Those interested will be able to create a candle with her hands.

During the event in candle factory will operate on all products 20% discount.

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