Parade Nikolaichik in Uzhgorod, Uzhhorod
Parade Nikolaichik in Uzhgorod - this is a long tradition and a favorite slozhivschayasya townspeople holiday. During a colorful procession, which will take place through the main streets of the city, Nikolaichik will distribute sweets to all its residents. The main heroes of the procession are children - they change into helpers of St. Nicholas, bringing holiday and fantastic mood. In 2014 will be the 17th in a row hits, a record number increased by Nikolaichik (this winter to the triumph of the adults joined Nikolaichik).
Feast will be held on the day of the Holy, December 19. As in previous years, the grand parade will be completed by the opening of the central city Christmas tree. Small Nikolaichik kindle lights on the main tree, announcing thus the beginning of the Christmas holidays.
Nearby, on the Petőfi Square, next to the Christmas tree, gingerbread tent will be opened under the name "Maisie Kolachev." Here, guests can purchase souvenirs and delicious evaluate the performance of the best confectioners Uzhgorod.