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Tour and master class at the store candy, Dnipro

Tour and master class at the store candy

Not only children, but adults also enjoy some sweets! We`re going on a trip to the store "Funny candy." What was there waiting for us?

We will conduct a tour of the store, tell secrets of candies like to make inside was vizerunochok and each participant will learn to make these goodies yourself!

Price: 30 USD.

Tour and master class is designed for visitors aged 6 years.

Meeting point: Str. Lenin 6 (left of the Philharmonic). Maximum number of places in group: 18 people.

Previous post must!

Tickets can be purchased in the tourist center "Andrew Fish" or transfer money to the card: 5168 7572 6296 5710 Holovatsky Sergey. And be sure to give us a call, inform and provide a check transfer.

For more information and record:

(056) 788 00 56

(068) 682 25 57

(066) 38 45 093

(093) 80 22 383

Note: If you waive the tour, we return 50% of the ticket price. If to-day activities, we do not return the money for the ticket.

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