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Presentation of the book-Francoise Barb Gallo "How to talk to kids about art" translated charming Sophia Riabchuk, Khodosivka

Presentation of the book-Francoise Barb Gallo
Already on Sunday, February 22, at 15:00 the presentation of the book-Francoise Barb Gallo "How to talk to kids about art" translated charming Sophia Riabchuk.
Sofia - is part of a team of Children`s room, she has worked so we opened and worked and developed in interesting and relevant for children direction. So we welcome all who want to join the presentation and hear interesting things from the book.
As children interested in art and whether you want it? How to talk to them about the painting? What words and at what age? What is art education in Ukraine and how it can be developed?
Book-Francoise Barb Gallo "How to talk to kids about art" in simple terms and in a convenient form dictates how to teach children to "see" the picture, to understand it and feel. The most common and current issues proposed concise answers to satisfy the curiosity and encourage new research.
This compendium, guide, owner and artistic album at the same time, you can carefully study at home, hastily flipping transport or seen in the park. The book is addressed not only inspired parents and teachers who want to interest children from an early age the art world - it is for those curious readers and readers who can not find time to learn it.
Sunday 22 February, 15.00, Children`s room, Outlet-town factory.

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