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Discussion with photographers` mode of truth "


Discussions always cause many problems and at the same time provide answers to many of them, or even several options. The PinchukArtCentre photographers are going to discuss a topic that is hidden under the title "The regime of truth". What will talk you will learn March 26 at 19:00.

For a long time served exclusively archival photo function best suited to the needs of industrial society in an attempt to account for the world that is rapidly changing.

The practice of archiving and documentation using photos found its highest expression in the photographic coverage. Speed, proximity to the scene and contact with were crucial for photos pretensions to objectivity. But over time, the development of digital technologies, accelerating the flow of information and visual saturation of photographic images, photographers, documentary began to stick to different camps in different ways are building their relationship with the place, time and manner in photography.

Remoteness and impartiality or closeness and dialogue determine the author`s documentary practice. "What of this is manipulation?" - This will be the main issue under discussion "regime of truth". Participants in the discussion will Liapin photographers Alexander, Eugene Belorusets, Alexander and Valery Glyadyelov Mylosyerdov moderator - art manager and former Editor of the magazine Esquire Ukraine Anton Ivanov. Participation is free.

Due to the limited number of pre-registration is required.

Please call: 380 44 590 08 58.

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